Saturday, June 12, 2010


At the end of the year, it is a time to reflect. If you've read my blog this past year, you've seen that the year has been one of reflections and prioritizing. These are common themes that kept reappearing in my life and thus my blog. I hope that my personal journey of how to manage life in a busy world with lots of responsibilities has given you a pause for reflection on your own life.

On another note, the internet is an amazing tool. Most of us know this fact, however, we should continue to recognize how amazing it is. Over the last year, it is the medium that has brought 2,856 unique visitors to my post about Keynote vs. Powerpoint. It has brought visitors from 90 different countries. It has brought us new tools and allowed us to access phenomenal amounts of information.

Be Literate will take a bit of a hiatus until the fall. It's time for summer vacation--one of the great blessings of education. So come back in August and don't expect too much before then.

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